Resilience Leaders ALWAYS look for the pathway forward. We strive for progress and accept that grief is a diffult journey that we don't have to walk alone.
We continually seek out support and connect with others. We understand the path to emotional relief and we use the tools that give us the most strength to navigate emotional overwhelm.
We find connection in the loneliness of this journey because we know our loved ones would want that for us.
We get back up every time we get knocked down. And we walk the pathway with others so that we can be with others who "get us".
A Resilience Leader recognizes that they cannot walk the path alone and they strive for better days and to honor their loved one and themselves at the same time.
Resilience Leaders are constantly and consistently reframing their mindset, fighting to get unstuck so they may take the next step forward and create momentum. And they never stop looking for meaning in their lives.
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